Cupid’s Mystery 6-Pack

These mystery packs have been some of our most popular items in years with over 200 sold! I can see why people like them so much – because the anonymity protects the suppliers, there are some insane bottles of wine in these packs.

So when a couple of people asked if I could put one together for Valentine’s Day, I just couldn’t resist. BUT be warned … no pack so far has contained wines quite like today’s Valentine’s Mystery Six Pack.

Not only do I have a few bottles that are just perfect for the romantic day, one of the suppliers came through with an almost perfect/very, very high scoring wine from one of the greatest vintages in history that ordinarily goes for nearly a hundred bucks all by itself.

*Six-Packs may contain both a 95 & 98 pointer.*

Original price was: $234.00.Current price is: $159.00.

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The mystery packs have been a big hit up until now, but I must warn you that this one is not like the others. No pack so far has contained wines quite like today’s Valentine’s Mystery Six Pack. Not only do I have a few bottles that are just perfect for the romantic day, but also an almost perfect/very highly scored wine from one of the greatest vintages in history that ordinarily goes for nearly a hundred/bottle and some other treats in there as well. All for more than 30% OFF!

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